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PRAXI Intellectual Property at INTA 2017
PRAXI Intellectual Property will be present at INTA 2017, the annual meeting of the International Trademark Association, a worldwide nonprofit advocacy association of trademark owners and professionals.

Day 1: key moment for long lasting performances
Day 1 - the first day at work - is extremely delicate and important for establishing a trusted relationship and achieving the expected performance levels in a short time: an aspect which is clearly highlighted by managerial literature, but little explored and monitored.

Praxi Alliance 2017 Spring Summit held in Brussels
Members representing 30 countries gathered in Brussels, Belgium, on May 11-12, for the PRAXI Alliance 2017 Spring Summit.
Three member firms were introduced: Development Systems (Spain, Portugal and Latin America), Academic Search (Sweden) and Headvisor (Norway).

Praxi Alliance 2016 Autumn Summit held in Milan
Milan, Italy, was the hosting city of the 2016 Autumn Summit on November 18-19. Members attended from Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Thailand and the United States.
Giulio Crosetto, the Founder of PRAXI Group, opened the summit with a heartfelt welcome in honor of PRAXI’s 50th Anniversary celebration.
Four new member firms were also introduced: Iventa (Austria and CEE), HPI Management Search(Russia), Talent Smart (Turkey) and GattiHR (the United States).
To serve our clients more effectively, ample attention was devoted to the latest industry trends and best practices, in addition to internal improvements of our operational structure, and a focus on how we can deepen our sectorial expertise.
Members also enjoyed “An Insider’s View of Italian and Global HR Recruitment Expectations”, with HR Director Panelists from global firms Brembo, Crif and Walters Kluwer. A lively discussion and Q&A session provided answers to many of the questions recruitment professionals would like to ask their clients, but don’t.
Fabio Sola, Network Director, remarked, “we now have a strong group of professionals sitting around the table; armed with the valuable insight received from our client panelists, and our collective experience, we are poised to truly differentiate ourselves from the rest of the pack”.
Our 2017 Spring Summit will take place May 12-13, in Brussels, Belgium.

PATENT BOX - How to get relevant tax reliefs for Intellectual Property income
Acting on the recommendations of the OECD, in 2015 Italy will introduce a PATENT BOX regime, offering qualifying companies the opportunity to reduce 50% of their corporation tax bill as a benefit for the exploitation of Intellectual Properties (patents and trademarks, designs, processes, formulas and information legally protectable), whether they are exploited directly from the company or granted to third parties, in view of royalties or licensing.
Nourished participation at the meeting that took place in March 23 2015 at the Congress Centre of the Unione Industriale di Torino, and involved Managers, CEOs and CFOs of many companies.
The aim of the meeting was to illustrate the intellectual properties interested and to describe how they can be legally protected, what would be the income and the procedures required to obtain the benefits.